Multistream, multivideo, and multichat for Twitch, Youtube, and others.
Stream Controls: Add stream with chat Remove stream with chat Add only stream or chat Remove only stream or chat Play all paused streams/videos Pause all streams/videos Switch audio to selected player(s) Mute all streams and videos Add/show channel chat Move player position up Reload stream, video or chat Toggle visibility state(s) Toggle extra controls
Video Controls: Toggle video controls Manage timestamps 0.1 second back/forth 5 seconds back/forth Increase/decrease playback speed
Chat Controls: Toggle chat only mode Add/show channel stream
Cookie usage?
This website uses cookies to store the options you modify in the settings menu. That's it.
Also, if you are blocking cookies you might have issues loading chat.
Keyboard / mouse shortcuts?
- F11 to fullscreen with chat
- Hold Shift to add streams without chat
- Hold Ctrl to close menu after an action
- Hold Shift when reloading a stream for it to remember its volume, quality, etc.
- Scrollwheel to change dropdown options
Which services are supported?
Mainly Twitch and Youtube. Facebook and Smashcast are somewhat supported.
When adding Twitch streams, you can use channel names as is, but for others you might have to use the link to the stream or video instead.
Which links are supported?
- Any Twitch stream, clip, or video link (including video "collections").
- Any Youtube stream, video or playlist link.
- Any Facebook live stream or video link
- Any Smashcast stream link
- Links from other multi websites
Please message me with links that are not working.
Can I add multiple channels at once?
Yes! Just separate them by spaces, comas or forwardslashes. Add links one at a time.
How does drag-and-drop work?
Drag links (like thumbnails) from other windows/tabs, and drop them anywhere on this website.
Subsequent streams should be added using the menu (which also supports drag-and-drop).
Timestamps (and sync) for videos
TwitchTheater supports parameters when adding videos.
The time parameter (for example) allows you to specify the timestamp where a video should start playing at when added.
This is supported for videos from Twitch and Youtube. You may assign timestamps via the menu controls or manually like so:
Loop / shuffle videos and playlists?
To loop videos or playlists, use the "&loop" parameter when adding videos.
To shuffle the videos on a playlist use "&shuffle".
How do I copy the link to my setup?
Right click the link and select "Copy link address" or "Copy link shortcut".
On mobile, tap and hold to see the option.
Click to play/unmute?
These are measures taken by modern web browsers to prevent websites
from playing loud unwanted audio and/or wasting your valuable mobile data.
Either manually click to play/unmute the players or change the website permissions on your browser settings.
Purple Screen Of Death?
Twitch might prompt you (multiple times) in the middle of watching something
to go watch streams directly on their website. This is probably due to advertising policy conflicts on embedded players (my guess).
Streams hosting other streams
For now, you have to add the stream that is being hosted.
Known chat issues
(1) Chat replay is not yet available for 3rd party websites.
(2) There is no difference between a Youtube video link and a Youtube live stream link,
so videos might get added with a "video unavailable" chat window.
Facebook chat?
Facebook live chat is not yet available for embedding on 3rd party websites.
Chat dark mode not working?
This setting will be applied to new chats. Existing chats need to be reloaded.
If it stops working try re-enabling dark mode on the main website.
Only one chat loading when added?
This setting defaults to disabled to help people with slow connections.
Changing audio not switching chat?
This only works with the menu controls.
How does smart auto-unmute work?
When the only player with audio is removed or goes offline, it will try to auto-unmute a different one.
It will also auto-unmute streams that come back online if no other player is playing audio.
Default video quality not working?
This feature is currently only working with the Twitch player.
Wrong video quality got set?
The selected video quality was not available on one or more streams.
The closest video quality on that player was used instead.
Play/pause, mute/unmute not working?
Some of the menu controls will only work with supported embeds from Twitch and Youtube.
Other players may not yet support play/pause, mute/unmute, volume, and video quality menu controls.
These include Twitch clips.
Video controls messing up?
The video controls are by no means perfect.
Desync might happen when trying to seek multiple videos at the same time.
This is due to the fact that these embedded players were not developed with this kind of use in mind.
Twitch VOD frame skip, play speed?
Only Youtube supports these menu features currently.
How to hide the address bar?
Some mobile web browsers allow you to hide the address bar (when not in fullscreen).
To do so, zoom in using your fingers, scroll down, then zoom out.
What is the website's link format?
Streams go after the website address separated by forwardslashes.
Chats can be added after, in the same way, but only if they are preceded by a "/c/".
If this chat parameter is omitted, then Theater will consider everything after the address a stream, and will add chats based on it.
To prevent chats from getting added just add this parameter with no chats.
If you use this parameter with no streams nor chats you will prevent previous sessions from loading.
How does session saving work?
It will store the streams and chats you are using and will restore them next time you open or reload the page.
When loading the page with streams/chats in the URL, it will use that instead (and will store them).
Custom menu color?
Search Google for an "online color picker", make the color of your choice,
then copy the color code with a format like: #336699 (with or without the hash character). Dark colors recommended.
Watch multiple live streams and videos from Twitch, Youtube and others
in theater or fullscreen mode, with the live chat of your choosing.
Play with the wide variety of options and menu controls to make the experience feel more like you.
I passionately develop this website independently on my spare time
and it's here for everyone to enjoy, so I really hope you do! :)
Please share your thoughts, suggestions, bug reports with me on twitter (tweets and DMs) @TwitchTheaterTv
Website code and images: Luis Figueroa
Video players and chat windows are embedded from (and developed by) the respective services and not me.